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Columella Lowering + Asian Male Rhinoplasty _ Closed Rhinoplasty Korea


Hello, this Dr. Chayoung Kang, Director of Noselab Rhinoplasty Clinic. Today, I will talk about a patient who had issues with snoring, and presented a blunt and deviated nose.

Through this case involving various functional issues we are able to showcase the importance of correcting both, functional and cosmetic issues at the same time.

Preoperative Design Consultation

Front view
Front view

Frontal view:

  • Retracted columella

  • Wide and blunt nose tip

  • Large and drooping nasal base

  • Diagonally nasal bridge deviation

  • Remaining filler on the nasal bridge making it look wide.

side profile
Side profile
  • Slight nasal hump

  • Short and blunt-looking nose tip

  • Prominent nasal alar

  • Nasolabial angle wider than 90 degrees.

  • Mouth protrusion

45-degree angle
  • Bumpy nasal bridge

  • Blunt and short nose tip

Nostrils photo
Nostrils photo
  • Nostril asymmetry

  • Columella tilted to the left side

  • Wide and blunt nose tip

Surgical Plan

Mouth breathing during sleep is especially worse when breathing through the nose is uncomfortable.

Taking into account the patient's condition and needs, the following surgical plan was established:

a) Functional surgery to improve the patient's snoring:

  • Septoplasty

  • Inferior turbinate submucosal resection surgery using a high-frequency laser.

Nasal endoscopy photo. Thne septal cartilage can be observed leaning to the left side

b) Surgery for cosmetic enhancements:

  • Removal of foreign bodies

  • Nasal hump correction

  • Lateral nasal bone osteotomy

  • Septal extension graft using autologous rib cartilage

  • Partial removal of the soft tissue on the nose tip.

  • Alar cartilage relocation and cartilage tying.

  • Columella lowering

Before and After Surgery Photos

Frontal view before surgery (left) after surgery (right)
Frontal view before surgery (left) after surgery (right)
  • Lowering of the retracted columella

  • Improvement of the wide and blunt nose tip into a slimmer shape.]

  • The large and low nasal base was adjusted to improve the overall harmony.

  • Straightening of the diagonally deviated nasal bridge.

Side profile view before surgery (left) after surgery (right)
Side profile view before surgery (left) after surgery (right)
  • Correction of the nasal hump into a smooth straight line.

  • Improvement of the overall lenght of the nose by the extension of the previously short-looking nose tip.

  • Lowering of the columella and correction of the nasolabial angle, improving the balance between the lips and the nose.

  • Improvement of the overall facial harmony by the minimization of the mouth protrusion.

45-degree angle view before surgery (left) after surgery (right)
45-degree angle view before surgery (left) after surgery (right)
  • Transformation of the irregular nasal dorsum into a smooth and natural-looking shape.

  • Improvement of the three-dimensionality of the nose.

Nostrils before surgery (left) after surgery (right)
Nostrils before surgery (left) after surgery (right)
  • Significant improvement of the nostril asymmetry.

  • Straightening of the left-side tilted columella.

  • Slimming down of the wide and blunt nose tip.

After Surgery Table Photos

Photos taken immediately after surgery, frontal view, 45-angle view, and side profile.
Photos taken immediately after surgery, frontal view, 45-angle view, and side profile.
Photo of the nostrils
Photo of the nostrils


This case was about improving complex functional issues such as snoring, and cosmetic issues such as a deviated nose at the same time. Especially, with the expertise of an ENT specialist we can highlight the balance between the functional and cosmetic improvements.

Through the septoplasty and inferior turbinate resection surgery we can expect the snoring symptoms to be minimized thanks to the improvement of the nasal congestion. At the same time, through the septal extension graft using autologous rib cartilage, correction of the nose tip, and improvement of the nasal bridge shape we achieved a natural-looking and harmonious nose shape.

In particular, the columella was naturally lowered and the nasolabial angle correction had a significant role on improving the overall facial balance. Moreover, we succeeded in creating a masculine straight nose shape, as requested by the patient.


I hope this case study will be helpful to those who are struggling with snoring. Snoring is not just a loud noise problem, but a serious problem that has a great impact on health and quality of life.

Snoring is not only a loud ringing noise from the nose, but it is actually a vibration of the uvula. So snoring is not just a problem of the nose. There are many causes of snoring:

  1. Dry mouth due to frequent mouth breathing during sleep

  2. For various reasons, a long uvula vibrates if the mouth is dry, causing snoring and obstructing breathing.

  3. Airway narrowing due to tonsil hypertrophy

  4. The base of the tongue is pushed down to the back of the throat, worsening snoring and causing sleep apnea.

Mouth breathing during sleep is especially worse when breathing through the nose is uncomfortable. Therefore, if you solve problems related to nasal congestion such as a deviated septum, rhinitis, or nasal valve stenosis, mouth breathing during sleep will be reduced, which will have the effect of reducing snoring to some extent.

However, a more complex approach may be needed to completely fix snoring:

  • Surgery to reduce the length of the uvula

  • Surgery to lift the uvula by removing part of the palatine mucosa

  • Surgery to widen the throat passages narrowed by tonsillectomy

  • Surgery to widen the throat passage by reducing the volume of the tongue root using a high-frequency laser

  • Surgery to widen the throat passage by shortening and fixing the tongue muscles to the lower jaw, etc.

Therefore, it is important for people suffering from snoring to consult a specialist to determine the exact cause and choose an appropriate treatment method.

Through a comprehensive approach that simultaneously considers functional and cosmetic improvements, we aim to create beautiful noses that breathe easy.

With Noselab Clinic you can achieve a beautiful and healthy nose!

Thank you.



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